Michigan Climate Action Network 2024



Designed by Colleen Ludwig, Artistic Director for Michigan Climate Action Network. This participatory design event and art build was held on September 26 during the annual MiCAN Climate Summit at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor Campus.

Initial construction of the base sculpture

Ludwig weaving alongside participants and volunteers at the MICAN 2024 Summit

Close up of participant involvement in the weaving process

Passers-by adding their touches to the structure

We created a temporary, eco-friendly artwork using torched wood, found branches, and recycled yarn. This engaging activity was available throughout the day, allowing participants to relax between workshops and lectures. It aimed to be fun, promote conversations, and reduce stress around challenging topics. By collaborating on art, people could approach difficult issues like climate readiness with clearer minds and greater creativity.

Close up of participant involvement in the weaving process

NEST FOR OUR COMMON FUTURE is a metaphor for the collaborative human effort to build a future in the face of the climate crisis. Inspired by a sighting of an eagle’s nest in dead oak trees on Belle Isle, creative director Colleen Ludwig asked summit participants to weave their influence onto the incomplete form. Whether people made small or large contributions, the collective impact made a complex and colorful installation from the basic structure we began with at the beginning of the day.